The dog has taken up pooing on tne kitchen floor in the night. He has never done this before unless he has been unwell and then has been terribly embarrassed and we completely understand but recently he's been rather remiss and we are often finding something that looks like a Great Dane passed through our kitchen rather than a small spaniel. I have looked this up on Google, as I look up everything from whether to get up to how to make an origami frog. The result suggests the dog has alzheimers. Well, maybe, but he never forgets walkies time or dinner or twenty ways to get a biscuit. I don't wish to share this information with Mr Smith so I have carefully disposed of the deposit and I have told the dog we won't mention it again as long as he stops this from henceforth.
I have been waiting, a little too eagerly, to find out if my telephone box designs have been approved and possibly selected. I just found out they never got them. Oh woe is me. I hate technology except when it works. Why didn't we just post them like in the old days?
Yesterday's lunch party for M-C was really good and Gay Virginio actually paid his share. Good boy. We had an interesting discussion about the term "Gay and Lesbian". Isn't this simply repeating the same term twice with the addition of an irrelevant gender definition. Mr Smith finds one horrific and the other fascinating. I leave you that to ponder upon.
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