You know how sometimes you get all exercisey and you do lots which in turn makes you want to do more?...well, it works the other way too. If you don't do any exercise and just loll around having a lovely time then you get used to this really quickly and in no time you find yourself reduced to a lump of blubber that only moves in order to heave self off sofa or out of bed in order to have something to eat. I know this. I am an expert.
We are going to Biarritz in May. Biarritz sounds like the sort of place your clothes ought to fit so I could either buy larger ones or reduce me. I haven't got much dosh right now so I think the latter option will have to be considered. Well, actually it's often considered then I have a cupcake whilst I think about it a bit more.
Three things I am going to do to improve me:
1. Swim crawl rather than ladylike breast stroke.
2. Walk that marathon course ... once, not three times like a proper marathon. I worked out to walk the whole thing would take me 13 hours and that means I wouldn't have time to walk the dog or make any cupcakes.
3. Drink less alcohol.
Actually much the most difficult of those is the swimming. I'll start today. You'll see.
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