Thursday, August 23, 2012

The end is nigh

Nice bank manager lady rang and said she would try to sort out my idiotic mistake of investing all my money into a hermetically sealed account.  Mr Squirrel Smith then magically found some spare money, that I highly suspect he stole from me.  So, actually, I have some nuts after all and might not be in such deep shit doodah.  We can still buy that shit property in Kent - groan.

The Lovely Claudia popped round yesterday to mend our dishwasher.  Well, she didn't actually come with the sole purpose of mending the dishwasher but she started to tell us what was wrong with it and Mr Smith and I just stood there baffled so she shoved her head in amongst the putrid plates and rancid dishes to take it apart.  We continued to look more confused .... (not stupid) watching her take it all apart and put it back together again.  Let's face it, like our smelly dog, it's old and come to the end of its useful life.  I paid Claudia in cupcakes.  I looked at new dishwashers in John Lewis.

I am taking the dog to the vet for a prognosis later today.  He smells worse than the boys' laundry.  I have bathed him but he's so thin and threadbare it's all a bit sad.  He was limping so badly this morning I really thought that's it mate.  But then it was breakfast time so he went all bouncy and waggy tailed as dogs do.  In the words of Eloise, He is my mostliest friend.

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