Sunday, August 19, 2012

Arty Safari

ManditheKiwi came to lunch and relieved me of a whole load of rubbish art stuff that I am just never ever going to use because it's the wrong size or shape or .... just wrong.  Rather than keep it all for another 5 years I was so happy to offload it onto her.  Nothing like a clear out.  I was ruthless.  Want not, waste a lot - that's me.

The Apprentice and I went to East London to buy lovely new art supplies.  We got a bit confused by all the different sizes of stretchers so ended up just bunging loads into the trolley with a mile of canvas and hoping for the best.  And now to stretch them Gnnnnnnn!

I borrowed Mr Smith's car for our trip to Whitechapel on the hottest day of my life (which includes a trip to Egypt) and the fucking air conditioning wasn't working causing ferocious blasts of very hot stifling doggy breath air to asphyxiate us.  Turning it off made no difference whatsoever. We had all windows and roof open but it was still blasting away then we got caught in a thunderstorm so had to close everything.  Every time I got it to emit just gentle warm farts the Apprentice pressed more buttons and it did furnace/chapatti oven all the way through East London.  "There's nothing wrong with it, you must have broken it." says Mr Smith. I don't think so matey.  That air con hasn't worked for yonks and you're too mean to get it fixed.

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