Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Not a knives person

So how many loaves did you make in the new bread machine today? asks Mr Smith on his return from work.  Um er five.  Well, we wanted to try the whole range so we did granary because everyone likes that, white, rapid white (to see if there is any difference - not much), fruit loaf for tea and my absolute winner Pumpernickel.  Now we have run out of granary so need to make more.  Oh this is such fun.

Here's something interesting .... Mr Smith can't cut bread. No, he really can't.  It looks as though a passing blind woodcutter had a go at the loaf with his blunt axe and as for the hewn off wodge that is supposed to resemble a slice, oh dear.  We took a ready sliced comfortable shop loaf out of the freezer for him and he seemed much happier.  Perhaps we need to buy a slicing machine.   I jest, enough gadgetry already.  Oh, I seem to have become Jewish all of a sudden. Bagels anyone?

Mr Smith has found a new diet he is interested in (me) trying.  It regrettably doesn't involve much bread.  It looks dead faddy to me but it's the national rave of the week having been featured on Horizon last week and in the Telegraph at the weekend.  It claims to make you thinner, live forever and become immune to cancer .... mmmmm .... sounds a bit far fetched to me.  It's called the 2:5 diet and involves fasting but not real fasting as you just have a little bit of food on two days a week and then all the normal crap the other five days.  The obvious flaw in this is you would be so bloody ravenous after a lettuce and cucumber day that you would be queuing at the bread machine like a starving Russian, ramming the entire loaf down your throat then wondering what's for pudding.  I tried it yesterday but got fed up by 7 and had several lovely glasses of wine and a pork chop with fatty vegetables for dinner.  That's more like it.

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