Friday, September 14, 2012

So many cooks

Today's blog reads exactly as yesterday's.  Put the stuff on the cow's wing and in the night it all slid off.  Add the momentous traffic jam I was stuck in all morning in the bus plus getting drunk with ManditheKiwi who came round for dinner, and that's my day.  I did meet up with Ollie Pigeon who explained the mysteries of casting a little more clearly.  I didn't expect him to be at the shop so it was a pleasant surprise to see him.  He says it always slides off but pay no attention.  Ah a Delia of a man. (I like her Don't worry if it goes a bit lumpy/curdles etc advice). He also sold me some thickener to make the stuff a bit more like toothpaste and a little less like glace icing.

We then concentrated on the Great Big Cake and how I was going to make little fish and shells from fimo then cast them and he had all the kit and a lovely little instrument to poke bits with.  I need to get some modelling paste and get cracking.  I feel a mermaid coming on at any moment.

Today is fish soup day.  Mr Smith demands Bouillebasse.  Mrs Smith and Anthony Warrell- Thompson will convene.  Soup will be made. I have found a nice Rick Stein recipe and there's a Jamie too. I have a better idea .... just buy some from Waitrose and chuck in a bit of extra prawn tails or something but annoyingly Mr Smith is at home today.  It's dalek Friday.  I don't want to be exterminated again like I was this morning for not getting out of bed super early and rushing off to the market before any of the stalls were set up!  If he sees me opening a can or packet of fish soup I may as well exterminate myself on the spot.

It is our wedding anniversary tomorrow.  I can't quite remember how many years but we got married somewhere back in the dark ages.

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