It's a lovely sunny day now that the Easter break is over when it did nothing but pour with rain. Prospective buyers are viewing my seaside flat today and sunshine is an essential ingredient. In a way I don't want them to like it because at last the flat is mine all mine and I have no tenants taking over it, making it theirs and breaking things. I love my seaside flat in the sky. I hope Mr Smith realises what an unselfish act I am making by selling it and spending all the money .... on me.
I have just watched something quite funny on YouTube. There is a photographer on Nevis who I don't particularly like - nor does anyone else - as she is a bossy pain in the arse. Anyway in this clip she is giving an interview about her rubbish book of awful photographs standing in her garden when an aeroplane flies overhead, then the person next door starts mowing, then she has a fight over the page turning with the young presenter followed by a noisy vehicle going past. Oh it's a gem! You would have thought they might have abandoned the interview or chosen somewhere a little less near the road but then everything that woman does is wholly unprofessional and it made me laugh.
I am supposed to be starting work today. Actually, I was supposed to be starting last week but things have got held up and nobody has told me what the score is. I have absolutely no idea if I am supposed to tip up with my step ladders and jolly disposition or whether I am to stay at home with the same dreary headache I have had for most of the weekend. It is a sort of sinus thing with a brain tumor on the side and is most debilitating. On a good note it makes me very unhungry so I have managed to lose some of the horrific amount of weight I piled on over Easter. If I went to work I might be able to shake it off. If I stay at home I will probably cultivate it.
I am thinking of taking up Tai Chi. I know yoga isn't for me because when I tried it once I got into a panic because I couldn't bend like all the other rubber people in the class and the whole thing gave me a deep tension headache for several days after. Actually, this is just really lazy PE in your pyjamas. Perhaps I ought to drag my fat arse back to Zumba dancing. It's good for me, if I don't die half way through that is.
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