Oooooh Goody it's almost time to start the chocolate fest, not that it ever ended. I performed no Lenten vigil this year. Sorry God.
We are absolutely overrun with chocolate here. My mother bought me a strange but beautiful half egg from M&S but I forgot and bought a little smarties chicken for myself in case nobody got me anything. Then when I got eggs for the customers (our boys) there was a special offer of three for two so I thought I could have one of those too. Then Mr Smith, in a rare moment of generosity, bought me a Belgian chocolate egg ... I know because I snooped and found a very beautiful package. Then the Apprentice came home with an egg and a mug just for me. I also bought loads of teeny cadburys mini eggs and a few cream eggs. Oh chocolate heaven ... or maybe too much of a good thing. Come to us for an Easter Egg hunt.
Have you heard of spun eggs? Apparently they are very popular in Japan. You put a raw egg in a stocking and hold both ends and spin it with its shell on so the white and yolk mix together. Then you boil your egg and what you get is scrambled egg in its shell. A bit confusing and my toasty soldiers have gone off in a huff. Anyway, isn't that the whole point of an egg to have a hard white and soft yolk and a session with Delia Smith if you get it wrong?
I bought myself a hula hoop in a bid to get fit and thin and bendy and all that stuff. I can't do it. I'll wait til Mr Smith is at golf and have another go. The hoop is rather heavy... So am I.
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