I am having a website rebuild at vast expense. Well, my website is looking a little yesteryear and I think it could do with an overhaul. This has resulted in me having to firstly sort out the old domain and set up a new one, open a new account with a new web server, sit on helplines for hours and cry. In the end I got angry and told the website man he would have to sort it out. I cannot do this. It turned out the main problem was I had spelt my name wrong. I knew I should never have attempted this. Here's what I hate: "It's really easy" then an hour later you are still in techno hell with a box of tissues. One day I will have a lovely website.
It is raining. Yesterday was a lovely day and I should have been gardening. Garden is weedy. I am fatigued. I want the rain to stop and the weeds to stop and everything to stop. Can I just stay in bed? Mr Smith has put on his going to the tip clothes and is going to the tip with all the weeds from my previous gardening spate. Good man. Oh no, he has taken all my strawberry plants for replanting. Oh he is such a pest; a bit like a giant slug.
Have now retrieved strawberry plants from back of car in nightdress in street in pouring rain. Somehow this is completely my fault. He zealously took my strawberry plant bag thinking it was weeds because he can't tell the difference which reminds me of when he hauled out the children's sunflowers just before they flowered because he thought they were Japanese knot weed. It was about 20 years ago but there hasn't been much improvement since.
I must sort out and catalogue as many paintings as I can. Then I have to resize them and send them to website man. Actually, that beats gardening in the rain hands down.
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