Excellent Coven meeting today. We chatted and ate cupcakes and I showed off as I am wont to do with best friends. Having finished those heavenly cows I had to show and tell. Then there was the jigsaw puzzle of one of my paintings, the Great Big Cake that I had taken out of the freezer and the newly painted cakes. Painting cakes is a technique I have yet to perfect; it involves vodka and a bit of effort but I will get the hang of it one day. The lovely friends all seem to like my cupcakes and take them home leaving me with none. This is no bad thing as I am awfully porky these days and I cannot find a diet that involves eating any form of gooey cake. I put the GBC back in the freezer as nobody wanted to eat a mermaid. Mr Smith thought we had eaten the whole thing. Not even in our most starving moments would we do that.
And now to Sussex to relinquish my chattels from the grips of a particularly nasty storage firm who won't let me have my things so they can charge me more money for storage or an extortionate amount to deliver them. We are hiring a van. Mr Smith will be driving a white van .... you may want to make your journey by train today, especially if you are a cyclist. I am so excited about seeing all my stuff again. My paintings, my ornaments, my quilts and rugs, my umbrella stand, my big wooden chest, my kitchen stuff. Of course Mr Smith doesn't want any of it. Tough tit. Whose flat? Who's Queen?
Next week we take it all to Kent except I decided I couldn't quite face doing that so I ordered removals. I went on a Go Compare Removals website and put in my details. The phone goes every ten minutes and my inbox is full. I chose Ramon who speaks dodgy English but assures me will be offering "very bestest of personal services for you". He was cheaper than anyone else.
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