Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Get me out of here

The weather looks absolutely ghastly.  I should be building an ark but instead am going to Kent to see a man about a carpet and things.  Mr Smith, in his irritating interferring way, put all my furniture outside to air yesterday and it got left there overnight.  It is now very wet. In fact it is soaked through and will take days and days to dry out.  I am so cross.  It did not need to go outside any more; enough air.  It was aired as aired could be.  Anyway, I do not know if I will ever get my little chair dry and where is Golly?  He is a very small gollywog of whom I am fond.  I bet a fox got him.  I will send Mr Smith out in the pouring rain to find him.  I started my search in the dark but the rain trickled down the back of my nightie.  I have sent Mr Smith and the dog out in the downpour to get money from the money machine for the builder.  They are taking their time - extra sniffing or 7am muggers? 

I am worried about my forthcoming Caribbean trip as all my friends are scattering to the winds.  I am not spending ten days on a tropical island in solitary confinement.  Gwen jacked in her job as hotel manager as it was wholly impossible.  I don't blame her really.  AgentAnnie will be in England having her baby.  The whole point of the trip was to meet her and get things organised for the Big Show in March. Whilst I am delighted she is sprognant I am not best pleased about my jolly hols.

Yesterday I went to buy some bulbs to cheer up my garden come Spring.  I did very well, spent plenty of dosh, bought loads of tulips, daffs and crocuses then I looked at my garden.  It will take me at least a week to clear all the weeds before I can even consider planting.  Oh well.  Mac and wellies on.  Just as well I have not yet retired all my old anoraks to the seaside yet.

I am not in a very good mood to start my Wednesday.  I hope it improves.  I have yet to shout at my kids and eat my cornflakes ... both violently.

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