Bit of a bummer today. I've lost my phone and, as I had turned down the ring volume, I can ring it all I like and never hear a squeak from it.
I am still a contender for that prize - Britain's Oldest Menstruating Woman. So nice to be reminded once again. And my hair has gone mad.
I had an email from cow people to say the paint on the wings of one of the cows is bubbling a bit. Oh how jolly. Tough tit ... for now.
The chocolate show I went to, Chocolate Unwrapped, wasn't as spectacular as I had hoped. There were no giant chocolate creations just polite little bars and boxes of chocs with teensy samples. I ate 4,000 teensy samples until I felt sick. They had bigger ones on the Lindt stand. I had some of those too. There was no water. Parched beyond description I staggered to M&S for a bottle of water where I accidentally bought a coat, as one does.
Mad Carina has become unmad. She is seriously taking herself in for correction. This means no more endless mad gifts at five minute intervals with cards thanking me for being her friend. Oh bollocks. She also looks a lot better these days. It transpires her mother is living with her and I think Mad Carina realises it is time to grow up and show her mother that she is responsible and sensible. Well, about time too. She is also on a diet. However, I do note that she has bought the Lovely Claudia a ghastly birthday present. Last Christmas she gave me some china that is particularly hideous. Claudia waxed lyrical about it as we didn't like to say it was anything other than lovely. Claudia and I had a good laugh about how simply awful it is when Carina had left. That'll serve her right for being such a two faced cow ... and now she has some too just like me.
Ooooh goody John Lewis are delivering my new duvets tomorrow and the bed to put one of them on is due as well. Then, dare I say it, I think we have everything ready for Kent move on Friday. Fingers crossed.
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