Yesterday I took back all the I'll fitting clothes I had bought last week and replaced them with more ill fitting clothes. I am confused. I bought a dress marked in my size - Hippo Elephant - too small. I then went to M&S and tried on something in a larger size - Whale - it was much too big. I am somewhere between a 14 and a 16. This is now the average British woman which means you have to be quick to get your hands on anything that fits before they've all gone.
The purpose of my shopping trip yesterday was to buy some nice loose fitting clothes for my forthcoming expedition to the tropics. I tried on my new purchases and gave Mr Smith a twirl - "Well, it nearly fits" he said charitably to something that was marked L in H&M but was at least two sizes too small. I have decided to keep it and try it on every week until I can eventually do up the zip .... and exhale.
Term time is resumed at patchwork school today where they all hate me. Don't know why as I am very nice. I think it's because they are a load of horrible old bats with nasty dispositions and maybe because I'm teacher's pet. Well, MC and I are good chums. I must remember to be particularly offhand to her today. Then we can go out to our fav Italian restaurant around the corner for lunch and talk about the other students.
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