It is quite tricky getting on here with the old iPad instrument. It takes a while and some determination by which time my burning issue has wandered off somewhere leaving me staring at a blank page. I am thinking of those daft bints who hog the weight loss message boards then have no message except "I can't think of anything to say" whilst I can think of a whole load of inspirational messages that I would love to pass on to the big and fat of the world but the slot has already been taken.
My little people of Nevis are coming on a treat though I had to down tools in order to restock. I had no brushes that could be coaxed into a point. They have all gone splayed - so annoying. So it was a trip to the art shop of loveliness for me. They had no big stretchers so I will have to slog all the way to Whitechapel at the weekend to pick up some more big ones. I am also having issues with the golf bag idea. I want to carry my paintings in a golf bag but the tube I have doesn't fit down the compartments. I have advertised for a grotty bag on Freecycle that tI can butcher to my exact needs. Mr Smith did have one but I gave it away ..... on Freecycle! Well, he is Secret Squirrel and will keep absolutely everything if I don't watch him.
And now I need to find myself an evening exercise class and a hair appointment.
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