Monday, March 11, 2013

My man and me

Mr Smith is home.  We agreed that making me come out to the airport at midnight is mean and exhausting.  He can take a taxi next time.  Actually he could take a train then a bus.  Oh well, I went and I am now exhausted. I hate driving at night.   Hate driving his great big car.  I don't think middle of the night airport runs are quite my thing.  But I am happy to have him home.  It somehow makes everything much easier.  I know I will end up booking all the hotels for Canada but he will look over my shoulder which will somehow make it all much easier.

Mothers Day.  The Apprentice gave me a DVD of Argo.  Oh goody. Somehow Ben will never gets this quite right.  He gave me a doctored birthday card saying To a Diamond Geezer.  He also bought me a huge bag of maltesers - but I am not eating chocolate as I have an addiction.  He chucked in another packet of pop up pencils.  As he had given me two packs for my birthday I can only think he got a 3 for 2 deal and this is the third!  He also got an icecream scoop then discovered we already had two in the drawer.  Oh well, that actually could be useful as it is the right size for smaller scoops.  We love him and he did try even if he is a Wally.  My best boy.  He returned to Portsmouth on Sunday afternoon to go back on his film set after a proper Sunday lunch.  I had to pay to make him go away.  Well, he never has any money.  Nor will I at this rate.

I am hoping to finish my Caribbean alphabet today. 

So far done: Aeroplane, Banana, Church, Donkey, Egret, Frangipani, Goat, Hibiscus, Island, Kite, Orange, Queue, Rastafarian, Shell, Washing, Kiss, Yacht, Zizz.

To be done: Jellyfish, Lizard, Monkey, Night, Pelican, Turtle, Umbrella, Volcano.

It's fun being me.

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