Wednesday, February 11, 2015


I am bored.  This is odd because I am never bored.  The boredom is really caused by fatigue which just means I am really lazy and can't be arsed to do anything.  I am still tired after my wonderful trip to the other side of the Atlantic and I am just a teensy bit pissed off that I am not in that glorious sun shine being bored there.  Mr Smith has gone to the metropolis so I am rattling around in my great big house without motivation.  I have been swimming, done my laundry - well half my laundry ie I put it in the machine with a squidgey thing and offered up a little prayer to the god of washing hoping to see it again on the other side.  I did the shopping.   This was quite exciting as Mr Smith wrote me a list that I didn't read before leaving.  As I couldn't find my glasses I just got what I thought it said.  Oh Dog food, I bought doughnuts.  Oh well.

I did the crossword which was ridiculously tricky today and ate some ice cream.  It was a rather delicious yoghurt ice cream which was amazingly low in calories.  Admittedly it wasn't right down there with celery or cucumber or water but it wasn't Richter scale calories considering its deliciousness.  160 for two big scoops.  Well, maybe they were supposed to be really tiny scoops; I don't know because they just drew a picture of scoops and gave the cals.  I ate two medium sized - no I didn't.  I didn't scoop at all, I just dug.

I have to walk the dog and cut out some white squares.  Both these tasks fail to fill me with glee.  I also have to paint two white squares dark green but that is too dull to contemplate.  Oh there is the thrilling prospect of taking my washing off the rack and ironing some of it.

I am going out tonight.  That could be exciting but in all honesty it is the sewing group's annual knees up and I have an inkling there might not be a male stripper.

I think I will go and visit my recently bereaved friend.  Oh why do husbands have to die?  She will be so sad and lonely.  I love her dearly.  I mustn't cry.  No no no.  Happy thoughts.  Laundry, dog walk, crap on telly, worse on YouTube.

Oh, I see from the front page of the Torygraph that the Queen is now on Facebook.  Do you think she'd like to be friends?
 - hatch tag Liz @ BHouse.

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